These are from Tuesday, May 1st 2008 in San Francisco, CA - May Day. If you got here directly, you might be interested in the main index page for this report.

I don't know if most people would find these the best shots, but they struck me as being funny. These are combined from the morning and evening reports.

More in the strippers report.

Do I really need to comment on this?

So, we have Socialists with Che and some pro-Immigration stuff and Spanish language and a Palestinian flag. The Corner called this shot the "May Day Trifecta". People keep linking to and using this image and the whores one - kind of funny to see which blog picks which!

I think this just summed up a lot of stuff.

This one because it shows media stupidity - the Raging Grannies got into a good position and posed and sure enough somebody from NBC took the bait.


"The most dangerous weapon is an educated Chicana. Be all you can be in the Raza" (La Raza is "the race" - basically a Latina/Chicana supremacist statement.)

Want to see more? Go back to the main index page for this report.

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